Monday, August 23, 2010

Reach for it!

"There are powers inside of you
which, if you could discover and
use, would make of you everything
you ever dreamed or imagined
you could become."

I can't imagine what this world would be like if each and every individual was able to recognize their true potential and continually strive to fulfill it. I truly believe that each of us were created with a divine destiny and that our conquest in life is to realize the divinity within ourselves and become the person that we were meant to be.

My biggest fear in life is never reaching my full potential, or not accomplishing all of the things that I could have done in my lifetime. Rather than allowing the fear to paralyze me, my hope is to use it as a catalyst to work harder at realizing my potential, and then doing what it takes to meet that potential during this life.

It's difficult to ever really know exactly what you have the potential to do. I think the key is to live a life where you are continually progressing and finding opportunities to improve yourself and others around you. A huge stumbling block in the way of progression is complacency. I hate complacency! I don't think anyone should be just fine with being "average" or only doing what it takes to get by. Who are we to be average? I don't think God created us to be average or to use our time on earth to just slide by. The greatest thing of all is that there isn't one person out there who can claim that they are only meant to be average or that they can't be something great. We are all children of God and meant to be powerful and wonderful. It would be a shame if we didn't recognize that and do something about it.

Push yourself to do better. Be uncomfortable, because sometimes that's what it takes to grow. You have to stretch out of your comfort zone to ever progress - and the more you do the more your "comfort zone" will expand and you will find that your abilities are so much more than you could imagine. Until those steps are made - no matter how big or small the steps may be - that "comfort zone" can't expand and it's a guarantee that opportunities in life will be missed.

"Many are called, but few are chosen." All of us have been called to be someone and do something great. Sadly, in the end there are only few that will be "chosen." The way I interpret someone who is "chosen" is that it is someone who fulfills what they were expected to do in life to the full capacity that they could. The only forces that can keep us from doing this is our own complacency and inability to recognize our true potential. If we are esteemed so highly by God himself, our Creator, then who are we to say we don't have it within ourselves to be chosen? Choose to be chosen.