Monday, February 27, 2012


I once heard that if you can count on one hand five good friends, then you are lucky. Well whoever said that is a total moron. Just kidding. I'm not even sure if anyone has ever said that before, but chances are SOMEONE SOMEWHERE has said that statement. And if they did, then I agree with it...and if no one has said it before then I take credit for its wisdom. Because I love friends...not just the acquaintance type friends that make you feel popular at church or at a LAN party....but the real friends. The good ones, the close ones, the ones that truly make an impact on your life. The ones that really matter. I consider a good friend not only someone that I can have great times with, but someone that I can call up at any time and divulge my every thought and feeling - the good and the bad - and know that not only will they listen, but they will desire to help, love and support me through all of it. It's also someone who can throw you back into reality when perhaps you can't see it...someone who will tell you when your hair looks bad and that you need to "take it out of that dykish pony tail" (direct quote from one of the best). I love feeling close to the people that are important in my life and a part of that is being able to talk to them about things that are near and dear to me. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family in my life who are willing to listen.

There are a few girls out there who know me inside and out and who have helped me through so much in my life. Some of these friends live far away and many I don't see every day, but I always know they are there for me. Honestly I probably would have made some really crazy decisions without them. But then again, they've probably facilitated other pretty crazy decisions as well! I'll list all those crazy decisions out in my next blog post. From the small things in life like needing someone to talk to after losing an intense game of Spider Solitaire to some of the hardest trials in life - I've always had people to pick up the phone and call when I've needed them. Most of the time it's all about laughter and being sarcastic because my friends are hilarious, - but luckily when occasion calls for it in addition to the silliness I can talk about the most serious things in life such as the oil crisis, endangered species and communism in Cuba. Among a few other things, too.

Even if I don't have a million different people I can call friends and even if I'm not voted most popular in this years yearbook - I know that my life is so much more fulfilling and rich because of the few close friends that I do have. If I never made another friend again in my life I still feel like I'd have all the love and support I need because of the life long friends I already have. For that I am so incredibly grateful. Shout out to all my homegirls, including the ones in prison! I love my friends and hope that I can be the kind of friend to others that my friends are to me.


  1. Awwww girl!!! I LOVE YOU!!! You are thheeeee best!!! I dont know what i would do without you! Thank you for being my friend even if im asian

  2. Pretty disappointed Shirley Kotch isn't in your photo montage. She's always been my rock. I thought she was yours too. (Cue Reel Big Fish, "Where have you been.")
